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Renew Membership for 2017 Now

Between now and the end of the first quarter of 2017, annual professional membership for 2017 must be renewed by all members and an annual professional membership dues assessment of $75 is payable.  Professional Membership Dues can be paid on-line by also completing the lower portion of the on-line renewal application and completing the security feature “Captcha” before clicking on Submit.  Members who renew on-line but prefer to pay by check may do so by making their check payable to CCPAC, Inc. and mailing to CCPAC, Inc., P O Box 550922, Jacksonville, FL 32255-0922.  All Members will receive 5 CCPAC continuing education credits just for renewing their professional membership and paying their annual professional dues. 

Certified Members (CCP) are required to obtain 30 continuing education credits (ce’s) every 3 years in order to maintain their certification. Renewing annual professional membership every year in 3 year increments will provide the Certified Member with 15 of the 30 credits needed.  The additional 15 credits can be earned by taking transportation related courses either on-line or in person, attending regional and national claims or transportation related events, seminars, webinars, conferences, etc. such as those sponsored by T&LC, TIA, DNA, ATA, etc.  A list of events are typically listed on the website under the Calendar tab “Current Year”.  A Certified Member can opt to re-take the CCP Exam every 3 years in lieu of earning the additional continuing education credits