Application to Become Certified & Professional Code
Professional Responsibility Code
CCP Exam Reference Text
- The CCP Exam is based on the content of the published text Freight Claims in Plain English, 4th Edition. If you do not have this text you can purchase it from the Book Store on this website.
CCP Exam Information & Study Guide
- Click on this link to access the CCP Exam Study Guide Information Booklet rev 1 23
CCP Exam Application
- Must Apply and PreApproved by CCPAC before Go To Online Exam Portal
Please Read the Certification Process Below before purchasing the CCP Exam.
Applicants desiring to take the CCP Exam and earn certification as a Certified Claim Professional (CCP) will need to complete a series of steps in the order as listed below:
1) Click on this link to Create an On-Line Account.
2) After completing and On-Line Account, Click on the On-Line CCP Exam Application.
3) After submitting your completed Application, wait for the Exam Administrator to Approve your Application.
4) When your On-Line CCP Exam Application has been Approved by the Administrator your account will show “Approved”
5) Once your On-Line CCP Exam Application has been Approved, you can then click on the link appearing on the web page to purchase the On-Line CCP Exam. The CCP Exam Fee is $575.00 USD for Members and $725 for Non-Members. Major credit cards accepted are: American Express, MasterCard and Visa. Those paying by check can do so via mail or an ACH payment via account transfer. If you are paying with a paper check by mail, your application will not get final approved until CCPAC has received your payment at its Jacksonville, FL headquarters. Please note that if you are taking the CCP Exam live at a Conference, the Exam Fee will be $725 USD for Members and $875 for non-members to cover additional expenses of a proctor and exam room.
6) IMPORTANT NOTE: The CCP Exam is a timed (3-Hour) exam. Once you open the exam you must be prepared before you begin to finish it as you will not be able to close it and then come back later to finish it. A clock displaying the time remaining will be accessible during the time you are taking the exam. Once the 3-hour time has expired the exam will be locked. As a gauge, history has shown us that those who have prepared well for the exam, the average time to complete it is 2 hours. If you finish the exam before the clock expires, you will be able to go back over and review your answers during the remaining time. Once you click on the Submit button at the end of the exam, the exam will be locked and it will not be available for review or editing.
7) The exam is a PASS or FAIL exam. If you answer at least 105 of the total 150 questions correctly you will pass the exam and will be able to download and print your CCP Certificate. You also have the option to purchase a Deluxe full-color CCPAC Seal Embossed parchment Certificate, suitable for framing, that will be mailed to you. If you do not pass the exam, there is an option to retake the exam at a discounted rate. The CCP Exam Retake Fee is $287.50. The retake of the CCP Exam must be completed within one of year of not passing the exam. Please note to retake the exam at a conference, the Retake Fee is $450 to cover proctor and room fees.
8) Certified Claim Professionals (CCP) are required to renew their membership and pay dues annually and must provide evidence of having completed 30 hours of continuing education (CE) every 3 years to maintain their Certification or retake the exam in lieu of the continuing education requirement.