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2016 Events

The following conferences and seminars have been accredited by CCPAC and participants earn continuing education points:

May 1, 2016

CCP Primer Class 1 Day Review- Crowne Plaza Albuquerque, NM    ceu’s awarded for attending this class = 6  

May 1, 2016

Freight Claims in Plain English 1 Day Seminar – Crowne Plaza Albuquerque, NM   CCPAC ceu’s awarded for this seminar = 6   Sponsored by the Transportation and Logistics Council. 

May 1, 2016

Contracting for Transportation 1 Day Seminar – Crowne Plaza Albuquerque, NM  CCPAC ceu’s awarded for this seminar = 6   Sponsored by the Transportation and Logistics Council

May 1, 2016

Transportation Logistics and the Law 1 Day Seminar  – Crowne Plaza Albuquerque, NM   CCPAC ceu’s award for this seminar = 6   Sponsored by the Transportation and Logistics Council.  

May 2, 2016

CCPAC Annual Business Meeting Open To All CCPAC Members & Individuals Wanting To Learn More About CCPAC  –   Crowne Plaza Albuquerque, NM    ceu’s awarded for attending this meeting = 1   Prior Registration To Attend This Meeting is Not Required.


May 2 – 4, 2016

42nd TLC Annual Cargo Claim Conference “Education for Transportation Professionals”  –  Crowne Plaza Albuquerque, NM    ceu’s awarded for attending this conference = 16.5 

May 4, 2016

CCP Exam Begins Around 1PM Following the End of Claims Conference. Examinee’s must be pre-qualified by CCPAC and pre-registered to sit for this exam. 

June 27 – 29, 2016

SMC³ Connections 2016 Conference – Chicago, IL – This is an Annual Event For Shippers, Tech Providers, LSP’s and Carriers – “Collaborative Supply Chain Intelligence”.  CCPAC Will Be A Co-Sponor At This Conference For Marketing Purposes But There Will Be No CCP Primer Class Nor Will There Be a CCP Exam Conducted in Conjunction With This Conference.  Attendees Can Earn 16.5 CCPAC Continuing Education Points.  For Information About the Conference and To Register, Click on This SMC³ Link

November 5, 2016

Annual Nationwide Exam – The CCP Exam will be conducted with Proctor’s preciding in most major cities nationwide.  Exact Exam locations will not be announced until all registrations for this annual event are received.  On Line Regisitration Is Now Open.  Those taking the exam must be pre-qualified and pre-registered to sit for this exam.  Registration & Information, Click on the Resources Tab / News